Applications are invited from qualified Tanzanians to pursue Undergraduate degree programs in Algeria for the year 2014/2015. The medium of instruction is French.
- Medicine
- Economic, Management and Commercial Sciences.
- Mathematics and Computer science
- State Engineer in Telecommunications
- Science and Technology (Environmental Engineering)
- Science and Technology (Architecture)
- Science and Technology (Hydrocarbons and Chemistry)
- Science and Technology ( Electronics)
- Science of Earth and Universe (Hydrogeology)
- Science of Nature and Life (Food Industry)
- Science of Nature and Life (Biology and physiology of Organism)
- Science of Nature and Life (Ecology and Environment)
- Matter Sciences (Chemistry)
- Matter Sciences (Physics)
- French Language
Applicants must:
- have
completed and passed Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education and
have obtained an average grade of ‘B’ in the relevant subjects.
not be admitted in Higher learning institutions - not be older than 25 years of age by September 2014
- have good health
- not be allowed to change and be admitted to local Universities.
have to purchase own ticket to Algeria and return ticket after completion of studies.
- have to meet monthly Top Up Allowance
- All applicants must attach certified photocopies of Academic Certificates, Transcripts, and birth certificates
Applications from Zanzibar should be channeled through the - Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Zanzibar (Coordinating Office)
- Applicants must indicate reliable contact telephone numbers.
- Form Six graduates of 2014 are encouraged to apply after getting their examination results.
- All applications should be addressed to:
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
P.O. Box 9121
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