Home Affairs Deputy Minister Pereira Silima
Home Affairs Deputy Minister Pereira Silima told the House that
there has been a challenge of reaching victims in time due to congestion
of vehicles and houses brought about by unplanned settlements.
“Therefore, we are working on the possibility of using helicopters to reach the emergency areas,” he said.
Silima was responding to a supplementary question raised by Stone
Town MP Muhammad Ibrahim Sanya (CUF), who advised the government to use
helicopters in fighting fire accidents instead of using vehicles which
arrive at the scene very late due to traffic.
Sanya complained that most firefighting vehicles arrive late at the
scene of emergencies and asked the government to provide one helicopter
for each region to address the challenge.
Responding, the deputy minister told the House that due to the
limited budget, the government cannot provide a helicopter for each
region but for starters, it will do so for major cities such as Dar es
Salaam, the nation’s most congested city.
Silima also explained away concerns over slow response of
firefighters saying the firefighters get information late because the
victims fail to call the appropriate authorities.
“The delay is sometimes caused by people who call police in case
of fire accidents instead of calling directly to the fire and rescue
department,” the deputy minister said.
In the came vein, Special Seat MP Fakharia Shomar Khamis (CUF) raised the matter of public awareness on emergency numbers.
“Most of the public do not have knowledge about the fire rescue
force as a result they report to police in case of fire outbreaks,” he
said to which Silima agreed but did not offer a solution as to how the
government will increase public awareness of the same.
The deputy minister told the parliament that the fires rescue force
is the only organ to receive all information related to fire accidents
in the country.
Silima has also warned some peoples who call firefighting and
reporting false information, Silima said they are installing a digital
device which will identify those who misuse the fire extinguish line and
they will take legal action to them.
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