Friday 14 February 2014


Exposure to asbestos fibers has been linked to asbestos cancer, asbestosis (scarring of the lungs that restricts breathing), asbestos mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the chest cavity), and silicosi. The chances of getting an asbestos-related illness increase as the level and duration of exposure to asbestos increases.

If you suspect that you might have an asbestos mesothelioma case, it's best to first ensure you follow these steps in preparation for meeting with an asbestos mesothelioma attorney:

1. Get a clear diagnosis which ideally includes a tissue biopsy; or get a copy of the medical records and diagnostic documents from your loved one’s physicians.

2. Prepare a will. If you, yourself, are a victim of asbestos mesothelioma, it’s best to prepare a will that stipulates which law firm is to represent your case. While no one likes to think of these things, the executor of your will may ultimately need to work with this law firm. Better to identify your law firm rather than risk having multiple lawyers getting involved in the case as a result of various family members seeking to find counsel on your behalf.

3. Write down when and where you believe you or your loved one was exposed to asbestos.

4. Write down the name of the company or companies you or your loved one worked for, even if you or your loved one worked as a contractor.

5. Write down the names of fellow workers that knew there may have been asbestos on the job site(s).

6. Contact an asbestos mesothelioma lawyer. If you have not already done so, you should meet with an asbestos lawyer and bring all supporting documentation with you.

7. Have the lawyer prepare an affidavit of critical facts for preserving your case.

If you have been diagnosed with asbestos disease, there’s a good chance that your colleagues will also have been exposed. They may even have contacted a lawyer already, and be familiar with the process. If possible, reach out to your former colleagues to find out how they are and what, if anything they may have done or be doing, and if they will support you in your claim.

If you are a spouse of a mesothelioma victim who has recently died from the illness, you and your heirs could have between one to three years from the date of death to file a wrongful death action, which may result in the recovery of substantial monetary damages.

Asbestos Remains in Use Despite the Health Warnings

Asbestos is not banned in the US and Canada and it is still in use in a wide variety of products. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)estimates that there are 3,000 different types of commercial products currently in use in the US today that contain asbestos, including building materials, brake pads, and fire retardant materials and products. Exposure can also come from unlikely sources. A weekend do-it-yourselfer may become exposed while undertaking home repair projects around the house. Asbestos fibers can also be transferred via clothing, skin or hair through contact with a household member who has worked around the deadly substance. People who suspect that they or someone they love might have been exposed to asbestos should always get a clear diagnosis to determine the severity of their illness.


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