Monday 31 March 2014

Bunge livunjwe tukawaombe radhi wananchi- Mjumbe

Bunge livunjwe tukawaombe radhi wananchi- Mjumbe

Laizer pia amewataka wajumbe wenzake kurudi katika maeneo yao ili wakaombe radhi kwa Watanzania kutokana na ufujaji wa fedha unaotokana na kuwepo kwao kwenye vikao vya Bunge.

Dodoma. Mivutano katika Bunge la Katiba imemchukiza mmoja wa wajumbe wa chombo hicho, Michael Laizer ambaye amemshauri mwenyekiti wake, Samuel Sitta amwombe Rais kuvunja Bunge.
Laizer pia amewataka wajumbe wenzake kurudi katika maeneo yao ili wakaombe radhi kwa Watanzania kutokana na ufujaji wa fedha unaotokana na kuwepo kwao kwenye vikao vya Bunge.
“Mwenyekiti narudia tena kama watu hawataki uamuzi huu, nakushauri andika barua kwa Mheshimiwa Rais ili aje alivunje Bunge na twende makwetu,” alisema Laizer.
Laizer alilishutumu Bunge hilo kuendelea kutafuna fedha wakati watu wengine wanaishi maisha magumu zaidi kiasi cha kushindwa kupata hata mlo mmoja kwa siku.
Alipinga muda ambao wametumia wajumbe hao kwa ajili ya kujadili masuala ya kanuni pekee bila hata ya kufikia uamuzi, akisema ndoto yake ni kuwa hadi wiki hii waanze kuchambua vifungu vya katiba.
Aidha alisema watu wenye umri mkubwa kama yeye (Laizer) wanaogopa kuchangia hoja kutokana na tabia ya kuzomeana.
Aliwataka wajumbe kuwa wavumilivu ili kuruhusu wajumbe kuchangia mijadala kwa uhuru.
michango kwa uhuru.
na kuheshimiana kama ilivyotokea kwa baraza la Wawakilishi Zanzibar ambako CCM ilikubali kugawa madaraka hata pale ambapo hawakutaka kufanya hivyo.

Tuboreshe Rasimu iliyopo-Zitto Kabwe

Tuboreshe Rasimu iliyopo-Zitto Kabwe

Wiki ya Machi 18 – 22, 2014 ilianza kwa siku ya Jumanne Mwenyekiti wa iliyokuwa Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba Jaji Joseph Sinde Warioba aliwaslisha rasmi Rasimu ya Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania katika Bunge Maalumu la Katiba. Wiki hiyo imeishia kwa siku ya Ijumaa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano ndugu Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete kutoa hotuba kwa Bunge Maalumu. Hotuba zote zimepokelewa kwa hisia tofauti kulingana na msimamo wa kila mtu kuhusu hoja inayoonekana ni kubwa
kuliko zote katika mchakato wa kuandika Katiba Mpya – Muundo wa Muungano. Wale wanashabikia muundo wa Serikali Tatu, walifurahishwa mno na hotuba ya Jaji Warioba. Wale wanaoshabikia muundo wa Serikali mbili walifurahishwa mno na hotuba ya Rais Kikwete. Sikufurahishwa na hotuba zote mbili.
Moja, hotuba zote mbili zilichukua muda mrefu zaidi kuelezea sura moja tu ya Rasimu ya Katiba nayo ni sura ya Sita inayohusu muundo wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kana kwamba Katiba hii inahusu suala hilo tu. Ni dhahiri suala hili ni kubwa na muhimu kwani linahusu uhai wa Dola yenyewe na siwezi kubeza. Hata hivyo masuala kama Haki za Raia ni muhimu zaidi kwani hata uwe na muundo wa namna gani wa muungano au hata muungano wenyewe kuvunjika, bila ya kuwa na haki za msingi za raia kwenye katiba katiba hizo zitakataliwa tu na wananchi. Huu mtindo unaozuka wa kudhani muundo wa muungano ndio mwarobaini wa matatizo ya ufisadi, matumizi mabaya ya madaraka, ubadhirifu, umasikini, elimu ya hovyo, afya dhaifu, utatufikisha pabaya na hata kurudi tena kuandika katiba kudai haki hizo. Jaji Warioba na Rais Kikwete wameshindwa kuruka kiunzi cha kwamba Katiba ni zaidi ya Muungano.

Pili, wote wawili Rais Kikwete na Jaji Warioba wamejenga hoja zao kuhusu miundo ya Muungano wanayopendekeza au kuunga mkono kutokana na misingi ama ya ‘malalamiko’ au ‘hofu’. Jaji Warioba aliorodhesha malalamiko 11 ya upande wa Zanzibar dhidi ya Muungano na malalamiko 10 ya upande wa bara. Kimsingi malalamiko yote ya upande wa bara yanazaliwa na vitendo vya upande wa Zanzibar isipokuwa lalamiko namba vii linalohusu kupotea kwa utambulisho wa Tanganyika katika muundo wa Muungano.
Jaji Warioba anajenga msingi wa pendekezo la Tume yake kutokana na kujibu malalamiko au maarufu kero za Muungano na anasema
“….muundo wa Serikali mbili hauwezi kubaki kwa hali ya sasa. Muungano wa Serikali mbili waliotuchia waasisi siyo uliopo sasa…… waasisi walituachia Muungano wa Nchi Moja yenye Serikali mbili, na siyo Nchi Mbili zenye Serikali Mbili“. Nukuu hii niliipenda kuliko zote katika Hotuba ya Mzee wangu Warioba.
Rais Kikwete alijenga msingi wa maoni yake kwenye hofu za kuwa na Serikali tatu. Hofu hizo ni pamoja na gharama za kuendesha Muungano, kuzuka kwa hisia za Utaifa wa Utanganyika na Uzanzibari, uwezekano wa Muungano kuvunjika kwa kushindwa kuhudumia majeshi na hata Jeshi kuchukua Nchi ikipidi na kutupilia mbali katiba na Serikali ya Muungano kutokuwa na Rasilimali zake. Rais alisema ‘Serikali ya Muungano ni egemezi na tegemezi’ nukuu ambayo niliipenda kuliko zote katika Hotuba ya Mzee wangu Jakaya Kikwete.
Rais Kikwete hakuniridhisha kabisa namna ya kumaliza kero za Muungano kwa muundo uliopo sasa kwani muundo huo umeshindwa kuzimaliza kwa takribani miaka 50 tangu Muungano uundwe. Haiwezekani muundo uliozalisha kero lukuki ndio utarajiwe kuzimaliza kero hizo. Kwa vyovyote vile ni lazima kuwa na muundo mpya lakini kiukweli ni lazima muundo huo mpya ujibu hofu alizoeleza ndugu Rais maana ni hofu za kweli.
Jaji Warioba hakuniridhisha na namna suala la Uraia litakavyotatuliwa kwani kutoa jibu la kubakia na ‘kukubali’ Nchi mbili halafu uraia mmoja kunaleta mashaka makubwa. Kama tunataka kuwa na Uraia mmoja ni lazima tuwe Nchi moja, hatuwezi kuwa na Nchi mbili uraia mmoja.
Vilevile vyanzo vya mapato ya Muungano ni vidogo mno kuendesha dola. Hivyo basi rasimu iliyopo mbele ya Bunge Maalumu ina mapungufu makubwa japo imetoa mapendekezo yatakayomaliza malalamiko ya Muungano.
Sasa kazi ya Bunge ni moja tu nayo ni kuboresha rasimu iliyopo mbeleyake ili kumaliza kero za muungano zilizopo na kujibu hoja za hofu za muundo mpya. Hakuna sababu ya kubishana kwenye takwimu za Tume, tume imefanya wajibu wake na sasa Bunge Maalumu nalo litimize wajibu wake.
Iwapo kama kweli tunataka kusikia Watanzania wanataka nini kwenye muundo wa Muungano, tusimamishe Bunge na twende tukawaulize kwa kura (referendum). Vingivenyo tuboreshe rasimu iliyopo na iliyotokana na maoni ya wananchi wote kwa kujibu hizo hofu muhimu alizoainisha ndugu Rais na hayo malalamiko muhimu yaliyoainishwa na Tume. Sio kazi ya Bunge Maalumu kutafuta ubora wa hotuba zilizotolewa mbele yetu bali kuona mazuri ndani ya hotuba hizo yasaidie kazi yetu Tuzingatie kuwa tusijenge Nchi kwa kujibu malalamiko na hofu tu maana hofu na malalamiko hayaishi katika dunia inayobadilika kwa kasi sana.
Tuamue tunataka kuwa Jamhuri ya Muungano ya namna gani. Nini sababu ya Jamhuri yetu na aina gani ya Tanzania tunataka kujenga. Tuanze kwa kutafsiri sababu ya Tanzania kuwepo na Tanzania gani tunataka kujenga kisha tutunge Katiba itakayowezesha kutufikisha huko tutakapo kufika.



Picha na Taarifa Rasmi Kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango:Maendeleo ya ujenzi wa bomba la gesi kutoka Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam unatarajiwa kukamilika mwishoni mwa mwezi Julai mwaka huu kufuatia kuendelea vyema kasi ya kundaza bomba

 Vongozi wa Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Prof. Longinus Rutasitara (Kushoto) na Bibi Florence Mwanri (Kulia) wakiangalia moja ya bomba la kusafirishia gesi. Bomba moja lina uzito wa tani tano na urefu wa mita 11. Mpaka sasa jumla ya kilomita 350 kati ya kilomita 492 zimeshatandazwa.
 Mhandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela (Kulia) akiwaonesha mabomba ya kusafirishia gesi Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango ilipotembelea baadhi ya maeneo yanakopita mabomba hayo. Mpaka sasa jumla ya kilomita 350 kati ya kilomita 492 zimeshatandazwa. 
 Mmoja wa wakaguzi kutoka Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Bibi Nancy Kitajo akistaajabu bomba za kusafirishia gesi zinazoelekea kwenye kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo Madimba, mkoani Mtwara.

 Mafundi wakiendelea na ujenzi wa makazi ya wafanyakazi katika kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo Madimba, mkoani Mtwara.
 Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais ikijionea maendeleo ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo Madimba, mkoani Mtwara.
 Mhandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela (Kulia) akiwaonesha michoro ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango ilipotembelea eneo la ujenzi huo, Madimba, mkoani Mtwara. Wanaotazama ni wakaguzi hao, kutoka kushoto ni Prof. Longinus Rutasitara, Bibi Salome Kingdom, Bibi Florence Mwanri na Bw. Jordan Matonya.
Mmoja wa viongozi wa Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Bibi Florence Mwanri (Katikati) akitaka ufafanuzi juu ya maendeleo ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo Madimba, mkoani Mtwara. Wanaomsikiliza ni Mchumi Mwandamizi kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Bibi Salome Kingdom (Kushoto) na Mhandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela (Kulia).Picha na Saidi Mkabakuli-Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango
Na Saidi Mkabakuli
Maendeleo ya ujenzi wa bomba la gesi kutoka Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam unatarajiwa kukamilika mwishoni mwa mwezi Julai mwaka huu kufuatia kuendelea vyema kasi ya kundaza bomba hilo.
Wakizungumza na wakaguzi wa miradi ya maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Wahandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela na Mhandisi Omary Kitiku wamesema kuwa kasi ya sasa ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo kijiji cha Madimba, mkoani Mtwara inatia moyo na hivyo kuashiria kukamilika kwa mchakato huo kwa wakati.
“Mpaka sasa jumla ya kilomita 350 kati ya kilomita 492 za bomba la gesi kutoka Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam zimeshatandazwa hali inayokwenda sambamba na mpangokazi wa ujenzi wa kiwanda hiki,” alisema Mhandisi Yagela.
Kwa mujibu wa Mpangokazi wa ujenzi wa kiwanda hiko hadi kufikia mwisho wa Julai kiwanda kinatakiwa kukamilika, na mpaka sasa, makazi ya wafanyakazi imekamilika.
Akizungumza wakati wa ukaguzi huo, Mmoja wa viongozi wa Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Bibi Florence Mwanri alisema kwamba kukamilika kwa bomba hilo kunatoa mwanya wa kukamilika kwa wakati uzalishaji wa umeme katika vituo vya Kinyerezi, jijini Dar es Salaam.
“Kukamilika kwa bomba hili kunatoa fursa ya kwa Mradi wa kuzalisha umeme kiasi cha Megawati 150 na Megawati 240 kwa kutumia gesi asilia vilivyopo Kinyerezi, jijini Dar es Salaam,” alisema Bibi Mwanri.
Kwa mujibu wa Mpango wa Maendeleo wa Taifa wa Miaka Mitano (2011/12 - 2015/16), Miundombinu ni kipaumbele cha kwanza, hasa uwekezaji mkubwa katika miundombinu ya nishati ambapo nguvu kubwa imewekwa katika uwekezaji wa miundombinu ya nishati ambapo utekelezaji wa ujenzi wa bomba la gesi Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam unafanywa sambamba na ujenzi wa mitambo miwili ya kuzalisha umeme kwa kutumia gesi katika eneo la Kinyerezi Dar es Salaam. 
Serikali imeandaa Mpango wa Maendeleo wa Miaka Mitano (2011/12 -2015/16) wa kutekeleza Dira ya Taifa ya Maendeleo 2025. Lengo kuu la Mpango huu ni kufungulia fursa za ukuaji uchumi wa nchi ili kuweka misingi ya ukuaji mpana wa uchumi na unaolenga watu walio masikini zaidi. Mpango wa Kwanza wa Maendeleo wa Miaka Mitano unawianisha katika mfumo mmoja wa mipango mbalimbali ya maendeleo ya kitaifa ili kutoa mwongozo wa utekelezaji na kuipa Serikali fursa na mfumo rasmi wa ufuatiliaji na tathmini wa miradi ya maendeleo kitaifa.
Lengo la Dira ni  kuibadili Tanzania kuwa nchi ya uchumi wa kati ifikapo mwaka 2025.


Makamanda wakiwa wamekwama kupita kwenye barabara wakielekea kwenye kampeni za Ubunge Jimboni Chalinze.

Mgombea wa nafasi ya Ubunge Jimb la Chalinze Ndugu Mathayo Torongey akibadilishana mawazo na wanakijiji Jimboni Chalinze.

Katibu wa CCM Kata ya Kimange Bwana Haji aliondoka CCM na kujiunga na CHADEMA huku akikabidhiwa kadi yake na Makamu Mkiti Said Issa Mohamed.

Mbunge Kamili:Mwenyekiti wa CCM alihusika kunitesa

Mbunge wa Viti Maalum (Chadema), Rose Kamili, aliyedai ametekwa na kuteswa wakati wa uchaguzi mdogo mkoani Iringa, amemtuhumu Mwenyekiti wa CCM mkoani humo, Jessica Msambatavangu kuwa anahusika na mashambulizi dhidi yake.

Kamili alidai alitekwa, kupigwa na kujeruhiwa wakati wa kampeni za uchaguzi mdogo wa jimbo la Kalenga uliofanyika mapema mwezi huu.

 Akizungumza kwenye mkutano na wanahabari  mjini Dodoma, siku moja baada ya kula kiapo cha kuwa mjumbe wa bunge maalum la katiba, alisema akiwa vijijini alikokwenda kusambaza mawakala wa  kusimamia uchaguzi wa  Kalenga, alitekwa na watu asiowafahamu ambao walimwingiza kwenye gari na hadi ofisi za CCM mkoani  Iringa.

“Nilipofikishwa katika ofisi hizo nilianza kushushiwa kipigo kikali hata kabla sijashushwa kwenye gari. Nilipelekwa  katika moja ya ofisi na kukutana  Mwenyekiti wa CCM Msambatavangu na kumtambua,”alisema.

Alieleza kusikitishwa na hatua ya mwanamke mwenzake  akimfanyia visa hivyo.
Alisema kuwa Msambatavangu aliamuru aletwe baunsa ambaye ndiye aliyeanza kumpa kipigo kikali huku kiongozi huyo akisisitiza apigwe  zaidi.

Alisema  baada ya kupigwa kwa zaidi ya dakika 20, lilikuja gari la polisi na  wakamweleza kuwa wamefika mahali hapo kwa ajili ya kumwokoa na kumchukua kumpeleka kituoni.

Kamili alisema  alipofikishwa polisi hali yake ilianza kuwa mbaya  ndipo  walipomwandikia fomu namba tatu  (PF3) na kumkimbiza  kwenye  matibabu.

Alisema anasikitishwa kuwa hata baada ya kumtaja mbaya wake polisi, mwenyekiti huyo hajakamatwa na badala yake yupo ndani ya bunge la katiba huku kukiwa hakuna hata jalada alilofunguliwa dhidi ya kiongozi huyo.

Aidha Kamili alilituhumu Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa upendeleo wa dhahiri na kutojali madhila yaliyompata.

“Tangu nijeruhiwe hakuna tamko lolote  lililotolewa na uongozi wa Bunge kuhusiana tatizo lililonikuta, licha ya kuwa Spika ni mwanamke.”

Alisema mbali na kutoa tamko, hakuna msaada wowote wa kitabibu alioupata kutoka bungeni, lakini wabunge wa CCM wanapougua  bunge linakuwa mstari wa mbele kutoa huduma.

Umoja wa wabunge wanawake wa vyama vya Upinzani wametoa tamko la kulaani kitendo hicho na kuitaka Serikali ichukue hatua haraka kushungulikia tatizo hilo.

Akitoa tamko hilo mbele ya wandishi wa Habari, Mwenyekiti wa wabunge hao, Suzan Lyimo alisema kuwa kitendo alichofanyiwa mwanamke mwenzao ni kibaya kinachowakatisha  wanawake tamaa.



Sunday 30 March 2014



Mesothelioma:Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prognosis of Stage IV Lung Cancer

Working situations (asbestos processing plants, rug factories, firecracker businesses, and so on.).

The fundamental explanation behind the onset of lung cancer is on the grounds that the lungs are one of the organs most presented to the nature, a greater amount of than whatever possible organ in the constitution.

Early lung cancer manifestations are not generally clear for most sufferers; on the other hand, as they do get obvious - later-arrange side effects may incorporate the accompanying:

Torments in the arms, back, hips, and shoulders (demonstrating metastasis [the spread] of the ailment).

Tenacious hacks ([smoker's cough] frequently blood may be hacked up - known as hemoptysis or haemoptysis).

Issues swallowing - initiated by an attack into the throat (roughness in the throat).

Intermittent pneumonia or bronchitis.

Seizures and shortcoming of the constitution [weakness frequently brought on by weight reduction).

Shortness of breath and wheezing (regularly with a slight blazing sensation being felt in the trachea [wind pipe] and midsection area.

Visionary issues and migraines (gentle - throbbing) demonstrating an intrusion of the (mind tumor).

Yellowing of the skin because of a liver intrusion (jaundice).

What medication is accessible for stage IV lung cancer?

Because of lung cancer not typically being diagnosed until at a late-arrange - alternatives are normally restricted to attempting to anticipate more metastasis, and to attempt to give a patient a developed visualization (future).

Notwithstanding, chemotherapy (to draw out a patient's visualization) is typically the medication of decision - as surgical medicines are of little use because of the metastasis of the cancer officially having influenced an excess of organs in the physique (difficult to uproot such an extensive amount the figure and for a patient to survive a while later).

Other palliative treatments (correlative) might likewise be viewed as, for example, radiation helps, and clinical trial helps [usually a blend of medications and new treatments]).

Tragically the visualization for stage IV lung cancer is poor most definitely (because generally arrange finding). Much of the time, there is evaluated to be just a 10% 5-year survival rate for NSCLC, and with an average survival rate [when half of patients are still alive, and half have passed away] of just around 8-months.

In spite of the fact that, powerful components may incorporate: age, health, decision of medication and the patient's reaction to that medicine, and the particular attributes of the tumor. Likewise it has been known for certain cancer patients to have made due despite seemingly insurmountable opposition longer than others (due in the primary to the constitution being additionally pleasing towards medicines).


Newcomers from European countries will be expected to prove they have earned at least £150 a week for three months to qualify for income support, housing benefit and other hand-outs available to people in low-income jobs.
But the measure is unlikely to satisfy critics who believe that migrants without a significant record of paying taxes and national insurance contributions should not be allowed to claim any benefits at all.
Details of the new “minimum earnings threshold” will be set out today by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith in the latest blitz on benefit tourism.
Mr Duncan Smith said last night: “As part of the Government’s long-term economic plan we have taken action to make sure our economy delivers for people who want to work hard, play by the rules and contribute to this country.
“These reforms will ensure we have a fair system – one which provides support for genuine workers and jobseekers, but does not allow people to come to our country and take advantage of our benefits system.

Nine Problems That Hinder Partnerships in Africa

Nine Problems That Hinder Partnerships in Africa

African higher education faces a crisis. The quality of university teaching and research has declined drastically as institutions across the continent contend with budget cuts, growing enrollments, repeated strikes, a crumbling infrastructure, and a migration of the most talented professors to developed countries.
In response, universities from America and Europe, government aid agencies, and charitable foundations have started major efforts to help rebuild higher education in Africa. While those projects have dedicated substantial funds and human resources to the cause, they so far have produced mixed results. The problem is that representatives of universities from developed countries and other well-intentioned people come to Africa with basic assumptions that undermine their work.
Those assumptions about how to assist the region are not always explicit. They are manifested in subtle ways in the behavior and speech of higher-education officials who come to Africa. What's more, the officials often fail to examine their own assumptions, some of which are obviously unrealistic. To be sure, not all Europeans and North Americans make such mistakes. But as the former and current directors of the Office of International Education and Partnerships at the University of Botswana, over the past four years we have seen such assumptions ruin potentially promising endeavors.
While many factors lead to the failure of partnerships, we have identified nine problems that hinder outside aid to Africa's universities and several ways to improve the interaction between African academics and their peers:
1. Academics from developed countries often take the lead in research, while African colleagues are relegated to minor roles. A recent example occurred when an American scholar came to Botswana with a grant from a prestigious international organization to study aspects of condom use as part of an HIV/AIDS research project. The researcher approached the University of Botswana saying she needed a graduate student from her discipline to conduct the field research. She would pay the student well and allow the student to use the data for a thesis. From her viewpoint, the proposal sounded like a good deal.
But our university's faculty members had two issues with her approach. First, they had not been involved in the development of the problem, the hypothesis, or the methodology. (The researcher had been in Botswana when she was developing the project but had made little attempt to contact the university.) Second, she was proposing to employ a graduate student whom the Botswanan academics would prefer to have working on their research. Ultimately the Botswana faculty members gave their American counterpart the cold shoulder, leaving her most puzzled that her "generous" offer had not been taken up.
2. Outside scholars think they know what curriculum is best for universities in the developing world. Consider a recent situation involving a graduate program in Italy. The program was an interdisciplinary master's degree in community development to help Central European universities educate civil servants to work with local governments that are making the transition to a post-communist society. Several institutions offered the degree jointly. Italian academics proposed starting the same cooperative program, with virtually the same syllabus, in conjunction with four southern-African universities.


About the importance of the lawyer to the society, justice and law

1. Definition and Historical Overview of the Role of the Lawyer.

Pure semantic the word Lawyer can cover several meanings.In general sense it is someone who is trained in Law at a University. Mostly the graduated in Law is also licensed to practise Law before the Courts as an Advocate and can come eventually in the conditions to be appointed as a Prosecutor or Judge. In English one uses the words Sollicitor, Barrister or Attorney to distinguish the Lawyer in this more narrow sense as a person who practices Law before the Courts as an advocate i.e. someone who advises and represents parties involved in a Law suit.
Appropriate English terms to describe the general meaning of the word Lawyer are Jurist or Legist, i.e. someone well educated or a scholar in Law. These persons can be employed in the staff of companies like banks,insurances or industries, the Administration or the Government.
In all these cases the main task of the Lawyer is to watch and control that things are done according to the established Law. He legitimates and authorises the enterprised actions.
The profession also leads to a mission in public life as statesman. A majority of the US Presidents were Lawyers. In several countries and regimes the public prosecutors are appointed by political parties or directly elected by the public.
The same goes for the Judges, not to mention the Trial by Jury where twelve fellow-citizens are called to judge about guilt or innocence. On the other hand, one can imagine easily that from the frustation in the daily work as a Lawyer can emerge the urge to change Statute Law. And he is a professional, he knows the actual Body of Law.

Therefor he had studied Law at a University. Today's university had its beginning in medieval Europe in the 12th century and Law School was, besides Medicine School, the eldest division at these medieval universities. The first Universities were foundated during the early Renaissance in Italian Cities like Bologna, Modena, Padua and Naples. In other European countries like France (Paris, Montpellier), England (Oxford) and Spain (Salamanca) universities were also erected.
The Education and Training in Law at these universities was based upon the Study in Latin of the Law System of the Roman Empire. Therefor the Corpus Juris Civilis was used as study material.
This Corpus Juris Civilis ("Body of Civil Law") was prepared during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (r. 527-65). In the 6th century AD the mass of Roman legal material that had accumulated in 1,000 years of development was generally unavailable to those who needed it, and it frequently contained contradictions. Early in his reign Justinian established three committees, under the general chairmanship of his chief legal advisor, Tribonian, to gather and edit the legal material. Thus were formed the Codex Justinian, which collected all the laws that had emanated from the emperors themselves and contained mainly public, administrative, and criminal law, the Digest, which collated and removed contradictions from the writings of the foremost Roman legal experts and the Institutes, which was a textbook for beginning students. This distillation of legal expertise, which was later taught at the several Universities, heavily influenced the development of European law. 1
During the whole of the Ancien Regime the society was based upon the dialogue between the Nobles, as defenders of the Land and keepers of the Military Force and the Clergy as defenders of the Faith and Keepers of the Spiritual Knowledge. This scheme for the excercise of the Powers of the State is very old and can be perceived in the Mosaic Age of the Jews or in the Celtic period with their Kings and Druids. Some legendary historic examples as such are Aaron and Mozes, King Arthur and Merlin, Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey.
The Study and Education of Law at Universities was in the hands of Clergymen and they trained students to be Officials. They were placed at the disposal of Kings and important Vassals to advice them in the performing of their duties of administration and judication. Others resided in Abbeys or Chapters and were there consulted to give opinion to aldermanbenches who had to decide upon disputes in their communities. On a lower level Judges of the Peace were adjoined to the local keepers of the Armed Power; the Sheriffs. As more educated legists were delivered by the grewing universities, the free profession of the lawyer came into being. The justiciables were allowed to take "a person of good education and speech" to address the claim before the Courts in proper words and with the respect dued to the Court. With the time passing by; these advocates did to have studied Law at the University and around the Courts arose the Inns of Law as the mediaval Guild of the Lawyers, which obtained the privilege and monopoly of pleeing before the Courts. It is from mediaval times that originated the strange rituals of Dignity and Respect that still nowadays influences the procedures before the Courts with courtly manners. One of these is the obligation for a new Lawyer to get introduced to the Court by existing Lawyers.
So Lawyers, where they performed their duty as litterated Officials, lived and prospered well in a governmental matrix, close to the ruling Monarch. As such they were defenders of the Natural Order of Society which arose from the Godly Will. The King was King by the Will of God and under the supervision of the Church. Doctrines of insubordination, contestation or revoltation became traced and sued by the institution of the Holy Inquisition.
On the other hand the One True Christian Doctrine also imposed upon duties of Mercy, which included Church Asile, Amnesty, as the Recourse on Grace, the Conviction to perform a Pelgrimage as Punishment and Repentance and so on.
But the Absolute Power of the Monarch in governing the Nation led to Discretionary and Arbitrary Exercise of Law, the Perversion of Justice, infringing Legal Security. Justice and the Enforcement of Law got regarded as a Practical Source of Income by the King and as a Tool to eliminate adversors.
This behaviour got intellectually criticised among scholars and philosophers. The decay of absolute monarchy led to efforts to check and limit royal power.
The abuse of power by tyrannical Kings would led subsequently to Revolutions in England, the British colonies on the American continent and finally in France.

In England the political philosopher John LOCKE gave shape to the new concept of individual natural rights against the state. According to LOCKE, each human individual is entitled to certain unalienable natural rights. In justifying England's Glorious Revolution of 1688, which led to the English Bill of Rights of 1689, Locke had advanced the contract theory of government, arguing that all "just" governments are founded on consent and are designed solely to protect people in their inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. This theory was used to justify civil disobedience whenever government encroached on any of the specified rights. Locke believed that natural rights should be guaranteed against incursions by other persons as well as by the state.
With the US and French Revolutions the principles of the ancien regime were abandonned and substituted by the enlighted ideas of modern democratic nations that All Powers of a National State emerge from its People. This was a most wonderfull time in which also Electricity became a field of Scientific Research which latter on would led to such wonderfull inventions as artificial light, the telephone, radio and television broadcast and finally the computer and the internet. Also the first modern Encyclopedia as a body of modern Knowledge got edited by the French Encyclopedists.
As stated, Lawyers are in se always conformists to the ruling Law. In the Ancien Regime this led the Lawyers to defend and legitimize the concept of the liaison between State and Church. One should notice that in the Pre-christian Cultures, the Skill of Reading and the Art of Writing were seen as a form of Magick since it created a communicable Spiritual being; a reality of its own.
In this perspective it is also interesting to point at the Medieval Status of a Clark; just because he was able to read and write, he got the tonsure and was submitted to the jurisdiction of the Ecclestical Courts. One can still observe this notion in the Jewish Culture with the Kabbala, its Worship of the Law in the Synagoges and its aim to a Theocratic Government.
There should be remarked too that in Jewish lithurgy the Communion with the God consists from the reading out the of the Talmud, whereas in Christianity the Holy Communion consists in the Sharing of Bread and Wine as a Meal.
In the Archaic times there were no forms of propaganda or masscommunication to inform the justiciables of the Will and the Rulings of their King, other then the recital of a hand-written text. Since then the Course of History has brougt us printed text, recorded speech, video and the internet with its multimedia, and reducing the world unto a global village. But this phenomen points us at the utmost principles of Law that the rules of it should be decreed and brought to the attention of the citizens before they are enforcable; the pre-existing Social Contract between Citizen and Government.
But back to the Period of the Enlightment, the Thinkers and Philosophers of the Enlightment, such as Locke and Hume in England and Montesquieu, ROUSSEAU, and VOLTAIRE in France scoped upon this social contract and pointed out the inalienable natural rights each individual is entitled, even against the government. So this time gave to Humankind the First Declarations of Human Rights as embodied in the American DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE of 1776, the Bill of Rights to the American Constitution in 1789, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1791, which built upon philosophical foundations to codify in law restraints on governmental power, ensuring the fundamental rights of each individual. Furthermore they emphasised upon the equality of men, abolishing the Privileges of the Nobles and the Clergy.
In America, Thomas JEFFERSON expanded upon the English views of civil rights. He emphasized the primacy of human happiness, by which he meant the opportunity of autonomous individuals to develop themselves to the fullest. He also advanced the concept of religious freedom and church-state separation as a key element of civil rights. Jefferson's thinking was embodied in the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (End of Quote)
The Bill of Rights, as the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States are called, was largely the brainchild of James MADISON. The amendments restricted the power of the new national government in the name of freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. In addition, citizens were assured against unreasonable or unwarranted intrusions by government officials into their homes or personal papers. Certain protections in criminal procedure were established, including the rights to a speedy trial, to a federal grand jury, to reasonable bail, and to confront one's accusers, as well as the right not to be placed twice in jeopardy of life or limb.
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted by the Constituent Assembly in August 1789. It was intended as a statement of the basic philosophical principles that inspired the FRENCH REVOLUTION. Among the important principles declared by its 17 articles were freedom and equality; popular sovereignty and the general will; representative government; punishment only for legally defined offenses; free communication of thought and opinion; taxation only by popular consent; separation of powers; and the right to private property and just compensation.

06 Important Factors To Consider Before Choosing A Web Host

1. Price

This is the aspect most of us will look at first when choosing a hosting provider; however, it shouldn’t be the deciding factor. When you see price differences it’s helpful to remember the old maxim that we get what we pay for. Jumping on the cheapest offer you see isn’t necessarily the best idea, especially if you rely on your site to make money. Things like non-outsourced support and quality hardware cost money, and a hosting company that charges $1.99 per month likely won’t offer these features. Take a closer look at the features that each host provides, and THEN compare prices.
Further reference(s):
  • HostMonk – A site with comprehensive list of hosting companies and their packages. Use this site to compare prices of almost any web hosting companies’ hosting packages.
  • WHReviews – Reliable web hosting shopping guide.

2. Area of Focus / Specialties

It’s a fact that not all web hosts are right for all different kinds of customers. Some offer great shared plans but don’t have solutions that are good for growing businesses, while others have great enterprise solutions but aren’t the right fit for someone with a small recipe blog. Look into a company’s specialty or area of expertise before you buy, and go with one that understands your particular needs as a customer. You can find reviews and recommendations on the Web, and many of these will talk about a particular company’s strengths and weaknesses.

3. Tech Specs / Limitations

Take a good, honest look at your site and figure out what you want it to do. If you’re hoping to host a blog, an e-commerce site, rich content, and videos, then you shouldn’t go with the cheapest hosting package you can find. A cheap hosting plan probably won’t have the RAM, processing power, and disk space to serve all these needs, and you’ll spend more time dealing with downtime or load issues than you would like. Look to see what you are getting with the cheap host and what features are included in the cost. Do they charge for additional domains, support, backups, etc.. Call them. Ask questions. Tell them what you envision your site’s needs to be. Just don’t take it for granted that they take your site as seriously as you do.

4. Tech Support

In most people’s opinions, this is the big one. When my site, for some unknown reason, goes down, can I call up and get a real, live person on the phone? And, more than that, can they find out what’s wrong and fix it, or at least tell me what I need to do to get my site back online? Before going with a host look into their reputation for customer support. See what kinds of different ways you can contact them when you need support – email, toll-free phone, chat, and so on. Are they staffed 24/7? Do they outsource support?
You’ll find that, like in price and technical specifications, all hosts are not equal. Some hang their hat on their support crew, and some view customer support as an afterthought. Steer clear of the latter.

5. Features / Add-Ons

This area of consideration comes down to the following question – What makes this hosting company special? What extra incentive do they provide to make hosting your site with them just a touch more attractive? Whether it’s multiple data centers, energy-saving practices, or additional features such as regular data backups or free domain privacy, hosting companies often offer more than just servers. If you see one that offers something you need or find important, that can be a good indicator that you should look into using that company.

6. Hardware

You might have to do a bit of reading (or question-asking) to get to the bottom of this one. What kind of machines does your hosting company use? Are they top-of-the-line, out-of-the-box new machines, or are they cobbled together from what might be spare parts and chicken wire? If the hosting company doesn’t say what kind of servers they use, you’ll want to ask, since hardware can affect the performance of both their servers and your site.


Many of the companies including a comp[any for insurance in kenya has a lots of function but aslo has got problems which make less to their efficiency;this has been analysed due to lots of factors such as low fund and lack of qualified skilled labour.
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      • majorly due to the number of non-paid claims that lie about within the market.

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The average person doesn't open a credit card planning to abuse, misuse or lose it. A credit card offers more than just convenience, and it's a basic requirement for shopping, paying bills and building good credit. Understanding how people get into trouble with credit cards will help you avoid the pitfalls of plastic and keep your personal finances in good shape.


It's much easier to make a discretionary purchase using a card than digging into your wallet and handing over your cash. It just doesn't seem like you're spending that much money sometimes or really depleting your bank account, and this mindset can lead to high balances. Overspending increases your interest payments, reducing your net worth. High balances also decrease your credit score. If you can't afford to pay cash for something -- and there will be times you can't – ask yourself whether you need to make that purchase. Overspending can lead to serious financial problems, including bankruptcy for more than 1.2 million individuals in 2012.

Late and Missed Payment Penalties

If you don’t pay your monthly card bill on time, you can lose a low interest rate, earn a penalty fee or ding your credit report if you let that payment slide long enough. Let’s say you transfer $2,500 to a card with 0 percent annual interest rate for 18 months. After six months, you miss a payment, losing your 0 percent APR and getting hit with a 20 percent interest rate on your remaining balance. That can cost you more than $400 in extra interest payments. Check your credit reports to see if anyone has reported you as a late payer -- if the information is inaccurate, follow the steps at the reporting agency’s website to get it removed.

Decreased Access to Credit

How you handle your credit cards can decrease your credit score, decreasing your ability to get a car loan, mortgage or even a job, based on some employers' requirements. Closing a card with a zero balance, for example, might seem like a good idea, but if it increases the ratio of your debt to your available credit, closing that card can actually lower your credit score. Applying for multiple cards and letting multiple lenders check your credit score can also lower your score, even if you don't accept or use the new card.


Credit card holders are prime targets for petty criminals and cyber hackers. If they steal your card number, they can run up your balances, damage your credit and cause legal problems. Understand the terms of your cards and ask issuers what protection you have in the event someone steals your credit card information and makes fraudulent charges.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

A type of adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) frequently offered to subprime borrowers. These mortgages are designed as short-term financing vehicles that give borrowers time to repair their credit until they are able to refinance into a mortgage with more favorable terms.

3/27 mortgages have a three-year fixed-interest-rate period after which the interest rate begins to float based on an index plus a margin (known as the fully indexed interest rate). There is a high probability that the fully indexed interest rate will be substantially higher than the initial three-year fixed interest rate; therefore, to avoid payment shock, the intent of 3/27 mortgage borrowers is to be able to refinance the mortgage before the interest rate begins to adjust.
A common mistake many 3/27 mortgage borrowers make is a failure to recognize the risks associated with such a mortgage. Many times they do not recognize how much their monthly payments may increase if the interest rate changes. Even if they plan on refinancing before the interest rate starts to move, they fail to foresee future economic conditions that might make refinancing difficult.

For example, the rate of home price appreciation and home equity play a very important role in a borrower's ability to refinance at a future date. Many borrowers are too optimistic about the rate of home price appreciation. Additionally, many 3/27 mortgages carry prepayment penalties, which make refinancing very costly.

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