2. The United Republic of Tanzania has received Financing from the African Development Bank in various currencies towards the cost of Support to Technical Vocational Education and Training and Teachers Education (STVET-TE). It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for supply of chemicals and Apparati for 7 zonal teachers college centers
3. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training (MESTV) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of Chemicals and Apparati to 7 zonal teachers college centers in seven (7) packages as follows;
- Package (1); Butimba Teachers College, package (2); Kleruu Teachers College, package (3); Mtwara Teachers College, package (4); Morogoro Teachers College, package (5); Monduli Teachers College, package (6); Tabora Teachers College, package (7); Mpwapwa Teachers College.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of Secretary, Ministerial Tender Board, Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training, 7Magogoni Street, Old UTS Building, Room No. 7, P.O. Box 9121, 11479Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA Tel:+255-22-2120403 / +255-22-2120417 from 08.00 to 15.00 hours, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, except on public holidays.
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of TZS. 100,000.00 (Tanzania shillings one hundred thousand only)
6. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Procurement of Goods.
7. Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before 10.30HRS on Thursday 30th June 2016 and must be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of Tanzania Shilling 8,500,000.00 or any other convertible equivalent currency.
8. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 10.45HRS on Thursday 30th June 2016 at the offices of Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training, 7Magogoni Street, Main Building, First Floor, Conference Room.
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training,
7 Magogoni Street, P.O. Box 9121,
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