Thursday, 16 April 2015

TFDA :"ordered to cut down evaluation period for drugs."


Health and Social Welfare
Deputy Minister Steven Kebwe.
Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA) has been directed to look  into the  possibilities of reducing  evaluation and registration time  for  medicine  manufactured  by domestic industry to increase their business margin.
Health and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Steven Kebwe issued the directives when he paid a visit to Shelly Pharmaceutical Limited at Keko Pharmaceutical (1997), Tridea cosmetics Limited, Tanzania Breweries Limited and Bakressa Food Industries Limited all within  Dar es Salaam Region. 
He said currently the evaluation and registering of medicine manufactured in the country take long time hence cause the manufacturers to earn less revenues. 
Dr Kebwe further said as a result the manufacturers failed to employ workers whose taxes could be used as the government sources of revenue.
 He  explained  the aim of his tour was to oversee how the government could assist local companies to produce commercially and improve national revenues.
"I have ordered TFDA to review evaluation period and shorten the time taken to register medicine manufactured by domestic industry. The move will enable them to produce medicines in bulky thus increase their business margin,” he said.
He however urged TFDA to hold regular inspection in all domestic industries to ensure that quality of products is observed and health of the consumers. He further said continuous inspection will help TFDA to discover weaknesses and take promptly incase the manufacturers have failed to meet all the qualifications needed. For his part, the TFDA Director General Hiiti Sillo said his office will ensure that all the directives by the ministry will be implemented accordingly.
He said the aim is to enable local industries to produce products at recommended standards as certified by TFDA itself and TBS.
On March 14 this year, the East African Community (EAC) member states were in the process of harmonising the registration of human drugs to allow their free movement and increase availability of safe, efficacious and good quality essential medicines in the region.

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