police say they have arrested 15 Muslim migrants after they allegedly
threw 12 Christians overboard following a row on a boat headed to Italy.
The Christian migrants, said to be from Ghana and Nigeria, are all feared dead. In a separate incident, more than 40 people drowned after another migrant boat sunk between Libya and Italy.
Almost 10,000 migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean have been rescued in recent days. Italy has called for more help from the EU to handle the crisis.
Hundreds of migrants have died making the perilous crossing since the start of the year. Earlier this week, about 400 people were believed to have drowned when their boat capsized.
Meanwhile, police in Palermo say that 15 Muslim migrants, who travelled on another boat, were arrested on charges of "multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate", after several surviving migrants came forward and told them of an altercation which resulted in 12 Christians being thrown overboard.
The men who have been charged come from the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali and Guinea.
Earlier on Thursday Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said Italy had "not had an adequate response from the EU".
But the European Union has said it has no "silver bullet" for the problem of thousands of migrants trying to reach Europe.
Analysis: Gavin Lee, Europe reporter in Brussels
£2m a month (€2.8m) goes on Operation Triton, the border control policy that operates off the Italian coast. Monitoring the Mediterranean may not be enough, says commission spokesperson Natasha Bertaud. "We have neither the money nor the political support to launch a European border guard system," she told reporters.Triton has proved an inadequate replacement for the Italian military search-and-rescue operation Mare Nostrum, which cost three times as much. That 2013 mission was activated after a similar tragedy, when 300 migrants drowned.
The Italian government has requested more financial help from the EU, but the question is, how much money are the 28 member states willing to invest?
Only 22 of the members are supporting the current system. Others, including the UK, opted out, describing the policy as unintentionally encouraging more migrant attempts to make the crossing.
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