Friday, 7 February 2014

Ministry introduces new method to prevent mother-child transmissions


Ministry introduces new method to prevent mother-child transmissions

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in collaboration with Regional Health Management Team has changed the system it previously used to disburse ARVs for the prevention of mother to child transmissions.

Dr Mussa Ndile, from the TUNAJALI organization made the announcement yesterday at a training session for heath attendants on the new system of providing ARVs to pregnant women infected with HIV/AIDS.

Previously, when pregnant women were found to be HIV-positive she was given a tablet called Neviraphine during delivery. However it was discovered that the system was not proper and it left the infant at risk.

In the new system, the mother will receive more than one tablet which will act as vaccine for the baby.

Dr Ndile said the new system that will better prevent mother to child transmissions while in the womb and through out the breast feeding period.

This new system is the country’s strategy of preventing a child from being infected with HIV/AIDS while in the womb by 2015 and is sponsored by USAID through TUNAJALI at a cost of 74m/-.

He explained that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is conducting the training to keep the child safer throughout the breastfeeding period.


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